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Логотип Российского квантового центра

MIPT set up the Russian Quantum Center’s basic department

MIPT set up the Russian Quantum Center’s basic department

The RQC and MIPT agreed on creation of the RQC’s basic department

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The creation of the department gives a chance for our students to become involved in a true research work and solve crucial problems in the quantum technologies area under the guidance of the RQC staff, which eventually will serve the growth of high-tech industries in Russia

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The Russian Quantum Center (RQC) and the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) have agreed to establish a base department at the RQC. That is, students of the MIPT will be able, even while university studies, to start a career as a researcher and developer at the RQC; to try themselves in practical work in the field of quantum technologies.

The agreement on the creation of the basic department was signed by the rector of MIPT Nikolay Kudryavtsev and the CEO of the RQC Ruslan Yunusov on March 19.

The basic departments are one of the elements of the famous "PhysTech System" established by one of the founders of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology — the Nobel laureate Peter Kapitsa.

Essentially, students after two or three years of study and receiving a stock of theoretical knowledge come to research institutes, to enterprises where these basic departments are created. There, students gradually begin to engage in true big science, write graduate thesis, and by the year of graduation from university they become mature researchers and developers who already know the practice well.

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There are many students and graduates of the PhysTech among my colleagues, and I think, no mistake, they are highly educated and motivated people. We have a lot of complex scientific and technological problems, that I am sure will be interesting to them

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The basic department at the RQC is created as part of the Landau PhysTech School of Physics and Research. The department will be headed by Georgy Shlyapnikov, a graduate of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, a Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, the head of the Many-body theory scientific group, research director of the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics of the University Paris-Sud (France).

The students of the department will have the opportunity to work with the most modern equipment in the RQC laboratories – there is, for example, a unique magnetic shielded camera for experiments with supersensitive magnetic sensors, a Bose-Einstein condensate plant, a laboratory where optical microresonators and quantum cryptography devices are made and studied. They will have the opportunity to cooperate and communicate with leading scientists from different countries of the world, to take part in the development of technologies that in the coming years will become the basis for a new technological leap — the second quantum revolution.

The department will begin work in the autumn term of the 2019-2020 academic year as part of the bachelor's, English-language master’s and PhD studies. Put questions about admission to the department at: admission_ffpf@mipt.ru.
