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Logo of Russian Quantum Center

Group of

Many-body theory

Georgy Shlyapnikov

Georgy Shlyapnikov

Principal investigator

О группе

We work on discovering novel many-body topological quantum states and analyzing protected quantum information processing with these states, as well as finding novel quantum fluids and disordered systems with non-conventional transport properties

Georgy Shlyapnikov

Modern quantum technologies are strongly oriented towards the construction of devices for quantum computation and the creation of new quantum materials in the nanoscale. Successful developments in these directions require new ideas with theoretical support. With this purpose, the Many-body theory group was created at the RQC in August 2013 (Georgy Shlyapnikov, Professor and group leader, and Alex Fedorov, student). In September 2013 Vladimir Yudson joined the group, and a few months later Oleg Lychkovsky (now at Skoltech) completed the group. In the autumn of 2017 Vladimir Gritsev joined the group.

Направления деятельности

История группы

  • 2013
    • Group is created
  • 2014
    • Georgy Shlyapnikov finishes his 14 lectures course at the RQC on quantum gases
    • Visits of Prof. Konstantin Kikoin (Israel) and Prof. Boris Svistunov (USA)
    • Georgy Shlyapnikov publishes an article on an anomalous phenomenon of “freezing with heating” in Physical Review Letters
  • 2015
    • The joint experimental/theoretical work on creating two-qubit quantum gates using atoms in different states was published in National Communications Magazine
    • The joint work of Zhen-Kai Lu, Yun Li, D. Petrov, and G. Shlyapnikov on stable supersolid states in two-dimensional Bose gases that demonstrate both crystalline structure and the phenomenon of superfluidity was published in Physical Review Letters
  • 2016
    • The joint work of A. Fedorov, S. Matveenko, V. Yudson, and G. Shlyapnikov on non-conventional superfluids of lattice of fermions was published in Scientific Reports
    • The joint work of G. Shlyapnikov with X. Deng, L. Santos, and B.L. Altschuler on dipolar excitations propagating via dipole-induced exchange among immobile molecules randomly spaced in a 3D lattice was published in Physical Review Letters
  • 2017
    • Aleksey Fedorov defended a Ph.D. thesis on the topic of Dipolar Quantum Gases under supervision of Georgy Shlyapnikov
    • Joint experimental/theoretical work on the first realization of the controlled-NOT (CNOT) quantum gate and entanglement for two individual atoms of different isotope was published in Physical Review Letters
    • Vladimir Gritsev joined the group
  • 2018
    • An article by V. Yudson (together with O. Yevtushenko) on the unusual properties of a system of two spin impurities (“qubits”) interacting with electrons of a helicoid edge mode of a two-dimensional topological insulator is published in the Physical Review Letters