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Логотип Российского квантового центра

Group of

Quantum Information Technologies

Aleksey Fedorov

Aleksey Fedorov

Principal Investigator

О группе

We develop new algorithms for quantum information processing and protocols for quantum communications, which use unique properties of individual quantum systems. Our group participates in the RQC Quantum Machine Learning Initiative

Aleksey Fedorov

The group is investigating the potential of quantum systems in terms of its use in information technology. We study quantum-optical systems, as well as multiparticle ensembles of ultracold gases of atoms, molecules, and excitons. Our group has developed new protocols and post-processing algorithms for quantum communication systems, as well as new approaches to quantum information processing. We are also studying the potential of classical machine learning to describe quantum phenomena and the possible acceleration of machine learning algorithms through the use of quantum computing. We work closely with colleagues from the University of Paris-Sud, University of Oxford, Centre for Quantum Technologies in Singapore (CQT), Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, and Skoltech.

We have developed a protocol for a quantum-protected blockchain [Nature (London) 563, 465 (2018); Quantum Sci. Technol. 3, 035004 (2018)], and our error correction algorithm in quantum communication systems demonstrates record-breaking indicators in terms of efficiency [Phys. Rev. Appl. 8, 044017 (2017)].

Направления деятельности

История группы

  • 2015
    • Start of work on a post-processing system for quantum communications
  • 2016
    • Participation in the first tests of the quantum communications system in Gazprombank (jointly with “Quantum Communication” group)
  • 2017
    • Demonstration of the experimental implementation of the quantum protected blockchain protocol (jointly with “Quantum Communication” and “Quantum Optics” groups)
    • Start of the development of a quantum communications network protocol
  • 2018
    • Publication of the new quantum communications protocol in Physical Review A
    • Publication of a new error correction algorithm in Physical Review Applied
    • Report on the analysis of quantum-protected algorithms in Russia at the ETSI International Conference in Beijing
    • A Nature publication on the threat of a quantum computer for blockchain technology
    • Participation in testing of the quantum communications system in PJSC Sberbank (jointly with “Quantum Communication” group headed by Yury Kurochkin)